ET521 P/O Control Reports


00. Overview
01. Toolbar
10. Outstanding Order List
11. Transaction Data Listing
12. Delivery Schedule
13. Order Placement Status Report
20. P/O Work Sheet
60. Custom-Made: IDC P/O Outstanding Order List
98. Upgrades
99. System Codes

00. Overview

01. Toolbar

待交貨訂單資料列印查詢. (Outstanding Order List)
接單出貨明細資料列印查詢. (Transaction Data Listing)
交貨日期表列印查詢. (Delivery Schedule)
尚未下採購單之資料列印查詢. (Order Placement Status Report)
P/O Work Sheet

10. Outstanding Order List

Data range 依 retrieve data using 的選擇, 設定適當的資料範圍. 任何設定, 都會影響查詢結果.
Retrieve data using 與 data range 適當配合, 會加速查詢. 資料擷取方式有: (1) P/O No. (2) Supplier No. + P/O No. (3) P/O Date + P/O No.
Data ordered by 最終報表有多種排列方式: (1) P/O No. + Part No. (2) Supplier No. + P/O No. (3) P/O Date + P/O No. (4) Delivery Date + P/O No.
Filters 設定篩選項目. Customer No. 只對有 S/C 之訂貨單有效.
Show outstanding items only  
Do not show prices  
Deduct R/D quantities 有些 items 已做 R/D, 但尚未做 delivery data input 沖銷 (PODET). 勾選本選項, 會讓 outstanding 數量更正確.
Show original order quantity 加總.
Show customer item nos. instead 用 customer item no. 取代 our item no.
Landscape 橫式報表: (1) None (2) Short description (3) Customer no. + customer order no. (4) Customer no. + customer order no. + short description. 第 (4) 項選擇會使用較小的字型.

11. Transaction Data Listing

Beginning...Ending 要查詢資料的範圍. 任何欄位之設定, 都會影響查詢結果.
Retrieve data using 資料擷取方式: (1) Date (2) P/O No. + Part No. 與上述資料範圍適當配合, 會加速查詢.
Data ordered by 報表資料排列方式: (1) Date (2) P/O No. + Part No.
Price to show (1) Normal (2) 2nd prices (3) 3rd prices.
Show orders  
Show deliveries  
Show cancellations  
Show returns  
Use landscape to show 橫式報表增加欄位選項: (1) Short description (2) S/C nos. (3) S/C nos. + invoice nos. + dates.
Print note  

在報表的 T 欄位, 1 代表訂貨, 2 代表交貨, 3 代表取銷, 4 代表退貨.

12. Delivery Schedule

根據採購單預計交貨日期查詢 P/O 上之未收貨資料, 若要查詢所有 P/O 上完整之資料, 不要選擇 "Show outstanding only".

14. Order Placement Status Report

本節主要在查詢已接國外訂單卻尚未下之國內採購單之資料. 作業時, 可直接指明國外客戶及其 S/C 號碼.

印出之報表, 若 S/C 無對應之 P/O 資料, 表示未曾下國內採購單; 如非空白, 但餘額不為零, 則表示尚有單子未下完, 應再補下. 若不需列出 S/C 已出貨之資料, 請選擇 "Exclude shipped items".

20. P/O Work Sheet

當你做好 S/C 但未下單前, 可先產生這份報表. 報表內容為 S/C 項目, 品名, 數量, 單價, 交期, 以及各產品之供應廠商和其報價.

60. Custom-Made: IDC P/O Outstanding Order List

Data range Any combination of range settings is effective during retrieval of data.
Retrieve data using Options: P/O no., P/O date + P/O no., Supplier no. + P/O no., S/C no. + P/O no., P/O delivery date.
Data ordered by Options: P/O no., P/O date + P/O no., Supplier no. + P/O no., S/C no. + P/O no., P/O delivery date + P/O no., Part no. + delivery date + P/O no., S/C shipping date + P/O no., Invoice no. (1st available) + P/O no.
Filters Company nos.: Use company number 1, 2, 3, etc., or any combination like 13.
Customer nos.: Enter customer nos. for whom you want outstanding order data. Separate numbers with commas.
Part nos.: Enter part nos. for which you want outstanding order data. Separate numbers with commas.
Show outstanding items only If unchecked, all P/O items will be shown, disregarding whether items have been delivered or not.
Excel template file File must be available in data folder.

98. Upgrades

Date Version Downloads Actions Explanations
2012-7-25 SP3 Secured et521zip.exe, etconvzp.exe. Launch etconv.exe and execute 13. Delmas. Transaction Data Listing: If invoice no. is not available from R/D, use invoice supplier data (invsup.dat) to try to get invoice no. In case of multiple invoices, the invoice with matched quantity is used. If no match found, the latest invoice is used.
2008-10-9 SP3 Secured et521zip.exe. Download. Margin offsets for reports of landscape orientation. Refer to system codes ET521-OFFSETX and ET521-OFFSETY below.

99. System Codes

Code Field Value Explanation
ET521-LAYOUT-INSPRPT 3 11 numbers Column positions for inspection report. 
Default: 0.0,0.7,1.4,2.1,3.3,4.8,5.8,6.6,7.4,8.2,10.0
ET521-LAYOUT-LATEST 3 11 numbers Column positions for latest purchase prices.
Default: 0.0,1.5,2.5,3.2,3.9,5.1,6.1,7.1,8.5,10.2
ET521-LAYOUT-ODRSTAT 3 8 numbers Column positions for order status report.
Default: 0.0,1.6,2.9,4.5,5.8,6.6,7.8,10.2
ET521-LAYOUT-OUTSTAN 3 12 numbers Column positions for outstanding order list.
Default: 0.0,0.7,2.5,3.7,4.5,5.6,6.2,6.9,7.6,8.2,10.2,13.2
ET521-LAYOUT-SCHED 3 11 numbers Column positions for delivery schedule.
Default: 0.0,0.8,1.6,3.1,4.4,5.7,6.3,7.1,7.7,10.2,10.2
ET521-LAYOUT-SCHED2 3 11 numbers Column positions for delivery schedule with landscape 1.
Default: 0.0,0.8,1.6,3.1,4.4,5.7,6.5,7.9,8.7,10.2,10.2
ET521-LAYOUT-SCHED3 3 11 numbers Column positions for delivery schedule with landscape 2.
Default: 0.0,0.8,1.6,3.1,4.4,5.7,6.3,7.1,7.7,9.2,13.2
ET521-LAYOUT-SCHEDC1 3 13 numbers Column positions for custom delivery schedule I.
Default: 0.0,0.595,2.125,2.72,3.91,4.59,5.61,6.29,7.31,7.90,8.5,9.35,10.37
To adjust left margin for printing of portrait orientation. 1/10 of value used.
To adjust left margin for printing of landscape orientation.
Note: field 3 used if field 8 not available.
To adjust top margin for printing of portrait orientation. 1/10 of value used.
To adjust top margin for printing of landscape orientation.
Note: field 3 used if field 8 not available.
ET521-SCHEDULEC1 3 20 bytes Program key for Custom Delivery Schedule I.
LAYOUT-ET521-TRANS 3 14 numbers Column positions for transaction data listing.
Default: 0.0, 0.7, 1.6, 3.5, 3.7, 4.9, 5.5, 6.9, 7.8, 8.7, 9.6, 10.5, 11.2, 13.1

Last modified: July 2014